Vibrational Frequency Scale

If you look at this chart, you will get an idea as to what I am referring to when I speak of where someone is on the vibrational frequency scale. 

That is not to say the emotions and feelings that are associated with the lower end of the vibrational scale are a bad thing.

Any type of emotions and feelings that we are experiencing, should be viewed as our personal guidance system.

That personal guidance system is alerting us as to what is going on emotionally within us. 

That guidance system can be used to navigate where one's triggers reside, and what areas to begin looking at, in regards to inner healing. 

So, the next time you are experiencing emotions and feelings that fall on that lower end of the vibrational scale, remember to be gentle with yourself. 

Remember that is okay to allow yourself to feel these feelings and emotions. That's not saying that it's okay to act outwardly towards others because of how we are feeling. Just, don't do that.

Instead, acknowledge how you are feeling, do the inner work to discover why those types of emotions and feelings are coming to the surface. 

In terms of experiencing what we manifest; you have to remember that humans are manifesting all the time, consciously and unconsciously. 

Those emotions and feelings that we experience on a continuous basis carry within them an energy profile.

I think of that energy having magnetic properties intertwining within itself. 

That magnetism is attracting similar energies within the universe, regardless of if it's on the higher vibrational end of the scale, or the lower end of the vibrational scale, and once those energies connect, bam. 

You have manifested and that experience will be coming into your reality. 

So, that's why it is important to do the inner healing with the law of attraction and manifesting. 

Now, get out there and have a fabulous day! 

Becky 💞