I was hesitant about creating this space, because I thought, how can I spread awareness and be an example on how the law of attraction and manifesting works if there are areas of MY own life that are not... perfect.
After all, if manifesting really works then my life would be an never ending unfolding of happiness, perfect health, a physical body that looked and felt amazing all the time. Having everything that I desire. Right?
From what I have come to understand in regards to the law of attraction is that it is a way of life.
If it’s something thought of as a magic wand that can be pulled out and used at random, that usually ends in disappointment.
That way of thinking unfortunately leads people to think - that law of attraction stuff doesn’t work. All it does is get your hopes up and you end up so disappointed!
I don’t want that to happen to you. Just remember, it’s a way of life.
Sending love,
Becky 💗