A few takeaways from Abraham - Hicks channelings on the law of attraction.
Enjoy the journey along the way to your manifestation.
Follow those satisfying impulses.
Following those satisfacting impulses will guide you from one to another, which is part of that journey along the way.
On the day I took the rainbow pic, I was coming out of Target with my daughter. She saw the rainbow first, it was so beautiful and vibrant. Spread out so far right over the top of the building.
After taking some pics, I had said, I wish we could get some shots without the building in the way.
We got in the car, as I was driving away, I felt this nudge, that impulse, to take a turn onto a road where I had never been. I didn’t question anything in my mind, I just did it!
And there it was. That beautiful rainbow in all its glory, right there. Talk about the perfect photo opportunity!
That is what Abraham-Hicks was talking about. When you listen to and feel those satisfying impulses to do something out of the ordinary, to go somewhere out of the ordinary, someplace that might not be in your plans. Follow that.
It may be easy for some to dismiss an experience like that as being a manifestation.
A manifestation is merely one’s thoughts, words, visions and intentions of something they wish to experience in their life, that has materialized in some physical form.
So if someone was wishing for, say a clearer shot of a beautiful rainbow, because they are surrounded by man-made structures, then less than five minutes later they are led to a space where they are able to obtain what they had just wished for, that is the manifestation being experienced in physical form.
If you were to stop and think about the experiences in one of your 24 hour periods; you would very likely be able to recall in your mind something you had asked for, or wished for, and then bam! It happened. How amazingly awesome is that!?
Have a beautiful day!
Becky 💜