Cloud Intentions

A few days ago, I set intentions for a beautiful bluish color sky and that this sky was going to be filled with HUGE white fluffy clouds. 

My intentions went something like this;

I love and appreciate so much the beautiful blue color of the sky. I love so much the beautiful white fluffy clouds. I love seeing how they are so low in the sky, to where they look like they're touching the treetops! 

After I said that I spent maybe two to three minutes in that meditative state and visualizing what the sky looked like. As I was visualizing, I connected with the energies of what I was seeing as well. 

And then this afternoon, I went out to run a few errands, and as I stepped out the front door, oh my gosh, the sky!

It was a beautiful bluish color, and it was filled with these huge, beautiful white fluffy clouds. As I was driving to my destination, I noticed out of the corner of my right eye. 

There were a couple of clouds that were so huge and they were so low in the sky; they appeared to be touching the tips of the trees!

I really wish I had pictures to show you! Yet, I ask myself the true meaning of that feeling; and it feels like wanting, or a feeling of needing, to have proof as to the validity of my experience.

However, I'm not able to fulfill that as my phone was in my purse as I walked out the door. And taking pictures was the furthest thing from my mind as I was just in such awe of the beauty and the energies felt. 

And I never use my phone while driving, so you will have to tap into your discernment on this one.

Happy intention setting!

Becky 🦋