The art of allowing. What does it mean?
In regards to the law of attraction, we have already manifested what we desire.
I think of it like this; everything is energy, including our intentions.
When we set intentions for what we desire to experience, the thoughts, visions, feelings and emotions associated with those intentions - are energy.
I can feel that energy, however it is invisible to my physical eyes as it leaves my body and floats up into the universe.
I think of that energy having magnetic properties intertwining within itself.
That magnetism is attracting similar energies within the universe, and once those energies connect it creates what we had set intentions to experience.
The how’s, when’s and why’s of this happening and the manifestation into physical form is not our job to figure out. That is where trust comes into play.
Trusting that the universe or god, or creator or source, whatever you choose to call that energy, has heard and felt your desires and is doing it’s part in turning that energy into a physical experience for you.
Our job now is to allow.
To allow things to happen and materialize without having to manipulate or feel the need to control situations to make them happen.
To shift your attention to and feel gratitude for what you had previously set intentions for and has already manifested into your experience.