🌺 What do you desire?
To be happy, to be healthy, to have a job you love, to have healthy, loving relationships?
I have talked before about how the law of attraction should be thought of as a lifestyle and not something to be thought of as a magic wand that can be pulled out and used at random.
So how does one go about living this lifestyle? One way is to retrain your mindset and life perspective from negativity to positivity.
It isn’t about ignoring the negativity in life. It’s having an awareness that there is negativity in this world but also making the choice to focus on the positive - as what you focus on continually is what you are going to experience.
Continuous negativism = continuous negative experiences. The law of cause and effect.
Something that helps a lot of people is using affirmations.
Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.
~ Earl Nightingale
Remember what I talked about at the beginning of this post, how by the time many people reach adulthood, the subconscious mind has been fed with so much lower energy ( negativity ) about oneself and the world in which they live in.
Affirmations are a way of helping you take control of what you are feeding your conscious and subconscious mind on a daily basis.
How can you incorporate affirmations into your daily life?
It’s so easy! You can write yourself short notes and hang them throughout your home, you can download a daily affirmation app, create a affirmation vision board. There are endless possibilities.
The great part in writing your own is you are seeing these positive readings that are in your own hand writing. Also, you are able to customize the message on a personal level.
Remember, it’s also important to make time throughout your day where you are able to rest quietly and allow those words to flow into your mind and into every fiber of your being. Visualize yourself acting out the affirmation words.
Take one of mine for example; I have been feeding my mind with short messages about what a good writer I am.
How my words flow like a waterfall. How my throat chakra is running smoothly. How I am able to express my thoughts and feelings into words.
As I drifted off to sleep last night I visualized myself sitting at my desk writing. I could feel my fingertips as they were typing on the keyboard.
I could feel my excitement as my thoughts were transformed into words flowing so effortlessly.
Now, my words in this post may not be scholar worthy, lol. However, for someone who does have difficulty expressing my thoughts and feelings, the words are definitely flowing at the time of this writing.
Have a great day!
Becky 💗